Monthly Luncheons and Featured Events

lokiMonthly luncheons are held in Anchorage and Fairbanks. Recent program topics include: social media, government relations, reputation management, media relations and crisis communications.

Luncheons will be held one Wednesday of each month, with exceptions for holidays and venue scheduling conflicts. 


In order to honor our commitment with the venue, the PRSA Alaska Chapter will close registration for all programs at noon, the day prior before each professional development session. This will ensure your seat and meal at the session. At-the-door sales will only be accepted if space is available at the start of the meeting. If seats are not available, walk-ins may purchase a late registration ticket to the event and receive coffee service. 

Model Antitrust Statement for Distribution and Recitation at PRSA Meetings

PRSA’s policy is to comply fully and strictly with all federal and state antitrust laws. Meetings and programs held under the auspices of PRSA must be conducted in a manner that avoids the fact or appearance of conduct that may violate the antitrust laws. 

Participants are not to discuss industry-wide or individual company prices (current or projected) or matters relating to pricing such as costs, profits, contractual terms and conditions (e.g., discounts, credit terms), wages/salaries, market allocation, market shares/sales or clients/customers, or other competitively sensitive information.

Compliance with the antitrust laws is a requirement for PRSA membership and responsibility for compliance rests with each member. Participants in PRSA meetings and programs have an obligation to terminate any discussion, seek legal counsel’s advice, or, if necessary, terminate any meeting if the discussion might be construed to raise any antitrust risks.

Anchorage Events


Double Trouble: When Crises Converge in the Time of Covid

In the midst of responding to COVID-19, Alyeska Pipeline communicators faced a second crisis. The COVID comms effort had involved all hands on deck, yet suddenly there were two decks and no extra hands. This July 22 PRSA professional development webinar features a first-hand account of the circumstances and lessons from dual crisis communications efforts.

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Fairbanks Events


Pocket Principles – Your Ethics on an Index Card

We all have an individual set of personal and professional ethics based on our childhood, life experiences, religion, and profession. Some ethical decisions are easy – our values and the choices are clear. In a complex world, though, a lot of ethical decisions are...

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Award-winning PR campaigns on a budget

Join PRSA Alaska in Fairbanks for a behind the scenes look at “Indigenous Visible,” a public relations campaign by the UAF College of Rural and Community Development. This campaign won a 2019 Silver Anvil Award of Excellence in the government section of the “Most...

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CommEx: Alaska Communicators Exchange

The most recent CommEx was held Nov. 8, 2019. We look forward to seeing everyone at future events!