PRSA Alaska Award Categories
The goal of PRSA Alaska Chapter’s annual awards competition is to encourage professional public relations performance and technique, and to acknowledge exemplary work in the field. PRSA Alaska Chapter encourages all practitioners, companies and organizations to submit multiple entries for Aurora Awards and Awards of Excellence. However, a single nomination cannot be entered into multiple categories (e.g. you may not submit the same nomination for “Annual Report” and “External Publication”).
For comprehensive public relations campaigns which successfully communicate a message using a variety of tools, programs and components.
- COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Includes programs that seek to win the support or cooperation of — or that aim to improve relations with — people or organizations in communities in which the sponsoring organization has an interest, need or opportunity. “Community” in this category refers to a specific geographic location or locations.
- CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS: Includes programs undertaken to deal with an unplanned event and requiring immediate response.
- DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION: Campaign devoted to promoting inclusivity and/or dismantling discrimination for racial, ethnic, religious, sexual orientation and gender differences or intellectual or physical disability.
- EVENTS AND OBSERVANCES (SEVEN OR FEWER DAYS): Includes programs or events scheduled for one to seven consecutive days (not including planning and preparation). Events may be commemorations, observances, openings, celebrations or other special activities and must occur within a time span of one week.
- EVENTS AND OBSERVANCES (MORE THAN SEVEN DAYS): Includes programs or events that take place for longer than a one-week period, such as a yearlong anniversary, or activities (commemorations, observances, celebrations, etc.).
- INFLUENCER MARKETING: Campaigns featuring individuals who have high levels of topical and/or brand relevance and work to increase awareness and drive key messages to the larger market.
- INTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS: Includes any program that demonstrates leadership of public relations strategies and tactics in a creative and effective integrated campaign along with other marketing or communications. The program must demonstrate the clear leadership of public relations, along with its integration with other disciplines.
- MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS: Includes programs designed to introduce new products/services or promote existing products/ services to a consumer or business audience.
- ISSUES MANAGEMENT: For programs undertaken to deal with issues that could extraordinarily affect ongoing business strategy.
- INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS: Includes programs targeted specifically to special publics directly allied with an organization (i.e., employees, members, affiliated dealers or franchisees).
- MULTICULTURAL PUBLIC RELATIONS: For any type of program (i.e., institutional, marketing, community relations) specifically targeted to a cultural group.
- PUBLIC SERVICE: Includes programs that advance public understanding of societal issues, problems or concerns.
- PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Includes programs specifically designed to influence public policy and/or affect legislation, regulations, political activities or candidacies — at the local, state or federal government levels — so that the entity funding the program benefits.
- REPUTATION/BRAND MANAGEMENT: Programs designed to enhance, promote or improve the reputation of an organization with its publics or key elements of its publics, either proactively or in response to an issue, event or market occurrence
For single public relations tools. This award recognizes the design, creation and production of such items.
- ANNUAL REPORT: Online or print
- CREATIVE TACTIC: Innovative, unconventional, creative tactic or approach used as part of a public relations program. Document how the tactic specifically contributed to the measurable results of the campaign.
- ELECTRONIC AND PRINTED PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS: Online content or printed materials that do not fit in another category. Brochures, yard signs, special web sections or publications, etc.
- EXTERNAL PUBLICATION: To include newsletters or magazines in print or electronic format. Submit three consecutive issues.
- INTERNAL PUBLICATION: To include newsletters or magazines in print or electronic format. Submit three consecutive issues.
- MEDIA RELATIONS: Tactics, programs and events driven entirely by media relations for an issue or product. Submit press releases, media advisories, pitch letters, requests for coverage, etc., along with the one-page summary that includes measurable objectives and results, such as evidence of the resulting media coverage. May also include a news conference or pitching to non-traditional media, such as a blogger.
- SOCIAL MEDIA: Use of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. as part of a public relations program. Include screen grabs or copies of key pages to support your one-page summary. Additionally, include the website URL for external sites.
- SPEECH WRITING: Must include copy of text, support materials are acceptable.
- RADIO MATERIAL: Public Service Announcement, podcast or programming with public relations value.
- VIDEO MATERIAL: Including film or video public service announcement, news release or feature, or webcast.
- WEB BLOGS OR PODCASTS: Include rationale for strategy, target audiences and quantifiable measurement.
- WRITING PORTFOLIO: Show diversity in writing styles which may include advocacy writing or advertorials. Submit at least three different types of writing samples.
Individual Awards
Any PRSA Alaska member may nominate another PRSA Alaska member for an individual award.
PR Communicator of the Year – Presented to a chapter member who has made significant contributions to the public relations profession and the community.
Bruce Pozzi Chapter Service Award – Presented to a member whose service to the chapter has been significantly above and beyond expectations during the previous year(s) of service.
Vivian Hamilton Professional Promise Award – Presented to an outstanding young member who has demonstrated his/her dedication to advancing himself/herself in the field of public relations and has worked toward filling a leadership role in the chapter and community.