Supporting the PRSA Alaska Chapter through sponsorship provides your company with the opportunity to target your message and brand exposure to local communications and public relations professionals.
Numerous opportunities are available, including sponsoring monthly luncheons and providing door prizes for events.
Professional development luncheons provide a forum for members and fellow communicators to hear top-of-mind topics and speakers and absorb new ideas to grow professionally. Monthly luncheons average about 40-80 attendees in Anchorage. Luncheons in Fairbanks average about 10-25 attendees.
Sponsorship packages start at only $300 for Anchorage and $150 for Fairbanks.
Sponsorship packages include:
- One complimentary ticket to the luncheon
- Company name and logo placement in publicity materials
- Exclusive opportunity to promote your company and mission at the beginning of the lunch
- Exclusive opportunity to put marketing collateral directly on tables
- Formal recognition from PRSA Board President before event
- Opportunity to further promote your company by providing door prizes
The chapter is seeking a PRSA Alaska Technology Sponsor to help connect communications professionals working in the Last Frontier. I’ve outlined the details, benefits and cost below:
2023 Exclusive Technology Sponsor Benefits:
– Two complimentary registrations to each professional development event
– Company name/logo placement on publicity materials including:
- E-mail event invitation
- PRSA Chapter monthly newsletter
- Prsaalaska.org
- PRSA Alaska Chapter Facebook page
- Formal recognition from PRSA board president at the event
2023 Technology sponsorship: $1,500
Please contact Molly Cornish Cordy (440) 829-9829 or Julie Hasquet (907) 762-4489 if you are interested in this sponsorship opportunity.