Anchorage Professional Development Luncheons
Anchorage professional development luncheons are held once a month, on a Wednesday at various venues around Anchorage and are open to PRSA members, non-members and students.
Double Trouble: When Crises Converge in the Time of Covid
In the midst of responding to COVID-19, Alyeska Pipeline communicators faced a second crisis. The COVID comms effort had involved all hands on deck, yet suddenly there were two decks and no extra hands. This July 22 PRSA professional development webinar features a first-hand account of the circumstances and lessons from dual crisis communications efforts.
When sponsorships become political (POSTPONED)
Savvy and socially-aware consumers are prompting organizations to reexamine the causes they support and to consider the impact of sponsorships upon their brands. When traditional, iconic events and causes become controversial, how do smart organizations respond and...
Media relations and crisis communications
Full day topic: Media relations and crisis communications – When the inevitable hits the gumbo pot Date: Monday, Feb. 24 Time: 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. (full day) Cost: $65 member; $90 non-member Lunch topic: How to become a superhero spokesperson by channeling your inner...
Engaging Your Employees: Advice & Best Practices for Internal Communications
Let’s be real. Sometimes the reporter calling about your organization’s crisis or the senior executive who is worried about their client’s perception takes precedence over your most important audience, employees. At August’s brown bag lunch, Heidi Embley from Embley...
Cut Through the Noise: Social Listening for PR
Cut through the noise: How social listening tools can help your communication strategy. Sixty-seven percent of American adults get news on social media. People trust messages from friends five times more than brands. In an age where anyone with a smartphone can...
Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On
It’s been a month since the earthquake, but the aftershocks keep coming. We’re still reading about lessons learned about road and building construction. Communications professionals also learned a few lessons. January’s Alaska Chapter PRSA Luncheon...
Taking the mystery out of new media
The media landscape has changed dramatically in recent years. It’s no longer just traditional journalists pumping out information; talk show hosts, bloggers, and a variety of others with a computer are dishing out all kinds of “news.” Public relations...
Advice to my 22-year-old self: Seasoned communicators share stories and tips from years in the trenches
If you could go back in time, what would you tell your younger, professional self? There's no substitute for experience to bring perspective and learning in public relations and communications. Join PRSA Alaska at our next luncheon when we hear from...
A revolution of ethics in public relations: Becoming the trusted ethics advisor your employer needs now
A revolution of ethics in public relations: Becoming the trusted ethics advisor your employer needs now Alternative facts. Fake news. Information leaks. Today’s PR professionals face ethical challenges at every turn. At the same time, communication mediums...
Beyond a talking point: How communicators can foster real change in diversity and inclusion
How can we make meaningful strides in our diversity and inclusion efforts in our workplaces? When instituting a diversity and inclusion program, service, or operation, how do communicators obtain buy-in from leadership and employees? Join the Public...