Monthly Newsletter
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September 2023
In the September issue, the president shares her experience with storytelling after her fish camp Barbie goes "viral." The issue also highlights the Aurora Awards celebration coming up this month and proposed bylaw changes for members to vote upon. Plus, check out our...
Newsletter Archive
February 2022
This edition of the chapter’s e-bulletin is focused on diversity, recognition and development. Discover ways to celebrate Black History Month, engage in diversity dialog, and learn a Dena’ina term. Recognition comes by way of congratulations for the newly credentialed, introduction to new members, remembrance of a long-time supporter, and appreciation for a renewing sponsor. Plus, get a first peak at February’s professional development program, and a reminder on our APR webinar.
January 2022
This edition of the chapter’s e-bulletin sets the tone for a new year in which PRSA begins celebrating its 75th anniversary. Be inspired by messages from the helm, and discover who’s who among our chapter leaders. Be enriched by diversity and inclusion information, and help with accreditation. On the recognition front, we shine a spotlight on two members, share Anvil Award deadlines, and welcome our newest members.
December 2021
This edition of the chapter’s e-bulletin concludes the year with a final message from the 2021 chapter president, a recap of our national PRSA’s 2022 chair-elect celebration, a reminder to join the last professional development program of the year, a welcome to our newest members, and more stories in line with our newly adopted D&I statement. Read the December 2021 edition of The PRSA Alaska Communicator.
November 2021
This edition of the chapter’s e-bulletin celebrates leaders among our members. We announce who will be our board officers, directors and delegates for 2022. We applaud one of our own as she prepares to take the helm of PRSA national in 2023. We shine our monthly spotlight on a member who is a long-time communications leader. We share professional development opportunities that can help each of us hone skills to become better PR and communication leaders. Read these and more news in the November 2021 edition of The PRSA Alaska Communicator.
October 2021
This edition of the chapter’s e-bulletin acknowledges Diversity and Inclusion month with four D&I articles. Plus we recognize fellow PR practitioners / communicators with a recap of chapter award winners, a member profiles, new member welcome, and ways to find one another online. As always, we remind you of professional development opportunities. Take an autumn moment to reflect on these stories and more news in the October 2021 edition of The PRSA Alaska Communicator!