Monthly Newsletter

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October 2024

In the October issue, an Aurora Awards recap, see all the upcoming events, read some exciting news and more. Read all about it in the October newsletter.

Newsletter Archive

May 2023

The May issue highlights storytelling, along with several reminders. The president’s message offers a summary of key takeaways from the recent professional development (PD) seminar on inclusive storytelling featuring Molly of Denali. The May PD program shares how PR...

April 2023

The April issue highlights a continuing commitment to DEI efforts, including a member survey, language translation, and two of three local professional development (PD) programs in April focuses on DEI (establishing a DEI initiative and inclusive storytelling). The...

March 2023

The March issue underscores the chapter's drive to recognize and uplift our members. It shows in the chapter president's comments, member spotlight, kudos to Top 40 Under 40 selectees, sponsor appreciation and new member welcome. PRSA Alaska also promotes professional...

February 2023

The February e-news bulletin highlights why there’s a lot to love about PRSA Alaska Chapter membership! Get tips for planning award-winning excellence in 2023. Sign up to learn 9 critical leadership actions from a celebrated PR coach. Register to learn more about...

January 2023

The January e-news bulletin kicks off the new year with resolve. We ask members to consider a leadership path, with volunteer opportunities, introduction to 2023 chapter leaders, and a salute to an Alaska leader at the helm of PRSA national. We salute ethics done...